May was a big month for us. We launched a new version of the product, got accepted to an accelerator program, and launched a whole bunch of new features for you!

Tether 2.0

Earlier in May we launched Tether 2.0 (read more about it here). The new version of Tether enables you too:

  • Report feedback with screenshots and screen recordings
  • Comment and collaborate on feedback without leaving your website
  • Capture your screen or start a screen recording with just a few keystrokes using our new hotkeys
  • Makes collaborating with your team much easier
  • Keep feedback centralized and available to your whole team
Tether feedback menu and issue on top of a webapp

What users have been loving about Tether 2.0

Teams have been able to resolve feedback faster, with less communication spread across channels. Being able to see all feedback reported directly on their website  decreases the amount of duplicated issues, and enables teams to move faster leading up to a launch.

Teams have been loving this new version of Tether especially when leading up to a launch. It helps project managers, designers and developers stay on the same page when QAing look and feel.


We've made it even easier to report data-rich feedback to your team. Start a screen recording or take a screen capture with the stroke of a few keys using Tether’s new shortcuts. After you capture a video or screenshot, you can assign team members, priorities and more, all without leaving your website.

Pro tip: Using hotkeys lets you screen capture while displaying hover states for components like popovers, tooltips and more.

Tether hotkeys for screenshot and video capture

What users have been loving about Tether 2.0

The speed and simplicity! Hotkeys make reporting feedback rich feedback simple.

Grouping, searching and filtering

You can now filter, search and group feedback, all in concert. This makes tracking down and managing feedback extremely easy. Filter by assignee to see which tasks you are responsible for. Search by keyword to find feedback you reported in the past. Or group by page to know which pages need the most attention.

What users love about this feature

Grouping by page makes managing your feedback list much easier by giving you a quick glance of where most of your issues lay. Additionally, it makes it simple to check if you are about to report a duplicate piece of feedback.

Send feedback to integrations automatically, after the fact, or in the moment

Previously, feedback was either automatically sent to your integrations, or sent after the fact from the Tether dashboard. Now you can choose to send feedback to your integrations when reporting it.

What users love about this feature

Since the first iteration of Tether, we wanted to give users the ability to control when feedback flows to integrations. First by either setting up an automated system, or by sending feedback after it was submitted. Now users can make that decision when reporting feedback itself! This saves a time on the backend for users and gives complete control over what makes it into your issue tracker.

If you have any questions/feedback, reach out to, or join our Slack community.

👉Interested in making feedback simple for your team? Sign up for a two week free trial here!

See you next month! 👋